Today, let the photos speak for themselves.

And may bygones be bygones– 1984 is carefully preserved in my memory as rockin’, sexy, wild, and crazy. I’d rather not tamper with that memory. Nonetheless:

Dick Van Dyke is still a handsome man. Julie Andrews just gets lovelier with age, also. One can only admire her dedication to singing and acting, and her determination to get through her vocal trouble a few years ago. When they were young, though– weren’t they pretty? It makes me happy that they are both still vital and weren’t involved in any horrible scandals through the years. I can still watch Mary Poppins with my kids and not be led to thinking about coke problems or Poppins’ Porn headlines. Wholesome, they are, still.

Dame Julie is positively regal even though she only bears a resemblance to her rosy Poppins anymore. Her plate is neat and on the small side as far as dentures are concerned, yet, she cannot hide the fact that her mouth is different. Dick, whose nose has increased in ratio with his bite, carries off his plates rather well. Yes– he has a bottom one too. You can tell because his bottom “molars” are visible. Natural teeth don’t sit that high. Here’s another shot of his amazingly blanched choppers:

Perhaps these aren’t the most outrageous Denture Smiles, but they are marvelous just the same.

(photo, common use.) Bob Newhart demonstrated a certain amount of comic bravery appearing on television without hair plugs and three months’ worth of core workouts. We appreciated it then because, before MTV, everyone looked like this. Now, we can still appreciate Bob’s “close enough” sense of personal presentation, because he has a helluva set.

(photo courtesy getty images) Gosh, willya look at that? See how his wry little lips stretch over those porcelain babies? Who on earth is that other gent? Is it Red Skelton or Jack Riley?

(photo getty images) Oh, gracious. Of all the Denture Smiles, this is quite possibly the most common and beloved. Thank you, Bob, for your wit, gentility, and smile.

(Stock Photos) Carol Burnett’s famous smile is the first to grace the pages here at IDSP. Her gorgeous assemblage of large, symmetrical pearlies, characterized by a slightly scooped bite is the crown jewel of ISDP’s photo collection.

(image We love Carol Burnett. She’s made millions smile, which is why her Denture Smile is such a bittersweet spectacle. Just LOOK at Kristin Chenoweth’s stuffage! This is a 5-star photo between the dentures and the boobs. But notice, also, Kristin’s smile. One day, she too can achieve denture glory with that pretty maw.